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#6052, July 27: The Daily Sudoku Puzzle

Welcome to the Daily Sudoku Puzzle.

This Sudoku can be completed directly on the web page - just enter numbers in the cells.
But of course you can print it as well.

Supporters can play all four grades each day

New feature:
Load your own Sudoku into the player Enter a 81 character string definition of a Sudoku. Available also from the solver.
New Player v2.24 More layout tweaks for specific phone sizes.
2.23: number pad version of the player since keyboards are too big and clunky on many phone devices. But don't worry desktop users! You can revert to the normal player in the new settings popup. Click on the cog icon. Any bugs please let me know!

On the brink of retirement, but still linking here for those using them:
Str8ts iPhone Player
Str8ts iPad Player

Article created on 12-April-2008. Views: 2987801
This page was last modified on 29-February-2024.
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