Solver App for Android
Strategies for Popular Number Puzzles
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Feedback and Questions

I've received a lot of interesting comments and questions from Sudoku fans over the last few years and this page is where I try to answer them. I'm also directing Str8ts feedback here. Please feel free to drop me a note on the side of the page. Or you can email me directly at .

Post a Comment or Question here...
Your Name or 'Handle'

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Email Address (optional) so I can reply directly if necessary (it will not be displayed here)

Any Sudoku you want to publish here for easy loading into the solver - 81 characters, use '.' or '0' for unknowns.

public - comment/question will be added to feedback column
private - email comment/question directly to Andrew Stuart, don't display here

Comment, question or feedback:

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letters you see:

If you are writing to alert me of a problem (thank-you!) please include a url to the page in question.
Can get fixes in quicker if I know immediately where to go.
Many thanks to all the people who have helped improve the solvers and strategies with their feedback!

Friday 23-Aug-2024

... by: Gepi, Australia

Load Sudoku:

At clues+solved 25/81, the Solver states:
Rectangle Elimination
If +3[G9] then -3[H9] forcing +3[H7] which removes all 3s from box 6, so G9 cannot be 3.
But if G9=3, H7 cannot be 3 (same box).
Moreover, G9 cannot be 3 as G12 only have 3 in box 7 !

Andrew Stuart writes:
Update: Issue fixed. Was a bad flag, pointing pairs all the way now.

Thursday 22-Aug-2024

... by: Scott B, United States

When show candidates is checked or un-checked, all candidates are showing when using the print 1 or print 2 button.

Thanks, you have an awesome website!!

Andrew Stuart writes:
Fixed now. [CRTL]+[F5] to refresh
and thanks!

Wednesday 21-Aug-2024

... by: a random stranger, Earth

Load Sudoku:

Just a quick note, loading sudoku puzzles from a URL appears to have broken this morning. Only parts of the clues will load in, and a seemingly random pattern (but static for each unique puzzle) of non-clue cells will load in blank.

Sample URL:

Andrew Stuart writes:
Thanks! Fixed now. Appreciate the heads up

Monday 19-Aug-2024

... by: B Lane, US

The print option is not working. Shows o0nly the borders. Love your website.

Andrew Stuart writes:
Has been an update this morning, first try [CRTL]+[F5]. If not, send me the URL. Many print places could be.

Friday 16-Aug-2024

... by: Donin, Michigan

was curious if you would be willing to add a solver for Percent Sudoku?

i've been using an android app for sudoku called Andoku 2 which has a few different game modes like X, hyper(windoku), percent, color, and squiggly(jigsaw), noticing you already had solvers for most of these already
i've been getting stuck on the Extreme difficulty ones from this app sometimes, with a lot of them requiring more than a couple XY-chains and possibly other diabolical strategies

i took a liking to percent sudoku as it's basically a half/half combo of X and windoku

really been loving using your solver to just help with that "next step" i needed to find in some of the regular sudokus i've played, great website, feels better than all the others i've tried

i can send/email examples of a few of the ones i've been getting stuck on if needed

Andrew Stuart writes:
Yes that should be pretty easy to set up. I'm currently working on Jigsaw Killer Sudoku solver and player, but when I'm done...

Saturday 10-Aug-2024

... by: john, us

Can import today for some reason??

Andrew Stuart writes:
Need a bit more info. From where to where?

Tuesday 6-Aug-2024

... by: Robert Maier, Los Angeles

This is just a notification of a possible IOS version compatibility issue. I still use IOS 12.5.7 on an iPad and recently observed the Sudoku Solver no longer populates the main grid with values of any kind, The problem appears using either Chrome or Safari to access your site. This problem does not affect another iPad running IOS 17.6 or a Linux box running Chrome. I assume it merely reflects the gradual loss of function associated with the older device/version combinations and I don't expect you to do anything about it. Your site is an excellent resource.

Andrew Stuart writes:
That's sad to know. I recently bought an old second hand ipad to test on. That has iOS 15.1 and I've been able to check everything works on that. If I had access to more resources I'd buy one of those subs to a site where every old browser can be spun up in a virtual machine. Getting reports from people not able to see the Daily Killer since I've started to use a more modern version of javascript (ES6 and not ES5). Should be able to do a work around I hope.

Tuesday 6-Aug-2024

... by: Nigel, UK

Your Sudoku solver no longer works with Firefox 52.9.0 ESR (the latest version that works on 32-bit windows). It used to start up with a default puzzle, now it's just blank. Typing in the numbers is different and autotab no longer works. Then, having typed in the puzzle I need help with, 'Take Step' does nothing. I presume this is since your July 2024 update. Is there any chance of Firefox 52.9.0 compatibility again, for people like me who are stuck on 32-bit windows.

Andrew Stuart writes:
So I was able to download that exact version and just install it and check for myself. Makes it sooo much easier. I’ve had other reports that the new Daily Killer isn’t working and I found I needed to remove one javascript modern item and it works fine now. And that code is the all ES6 javascipt. Looking at the Sudoku Solver I see some class initialisers could be changed. That makes the solver work but no luck with the solution count. So this Firefox doesn’t like the WASM wrapper for the new solution count but I’ve by-passed it to make the grader and solve path work. A number of CSS issues I see but will fix later. Let me know how pages look now [CRTL]+[F5] if not immediate

Sunday 4-Aug-2024

... by: jp, Australia

Load Sudoku:

It gives the clue (naked quad, h7!=3) but remains stuck on Wait.
Also, it repeats endlessly:
Sorry, you didn't get the security code correct, please try again

Andrew Stuart writes:
Might have been when I was restarting the service. Or just very busy. Loaded the puzzle and works for me this morning. Extreme, so took a while.

Friday 2-Aug-2024

... by: Nada Savatic, US

When I try to clear the board to create a new puzzle (start over button), the killer cell lines are deleted, but the numbers remain. Have to manually erase all numbers

Andrew Stuart writes:
I think this is fixed now. Do let me know if not.
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Thank-you everyone for all your questions and contributions.