Solver App for Android
Strategies for Popular Number Puzzles
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Feedback and Questions

I've received a lot of interesting comments and questions from Sudoku fans over the last few years and this page is where I try to answer them. I'm also directing Str8ts feedback here. Please feel free to drop me a note on the side of the page. Or you can email me directly at .

Post a Comment or Question here...
Your Name or 'Handle'

Part of the World you're from

Email Address (optional) so I can reply directly if necessary (it will not be displayed here)

Any Sudoku you want to publish here for easy loading into the solver - 81 characters, use '.' or '0' for unknowns.

public - comment/question will be added to feedback column
private - email comment/question directly to Andrew Stuart, don't display here

Comment, question or feedback:

Enter these letters
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letters you see:

If you are writing to alert me of a problem (thank-you!) please include a url to the page in question.
Can get fixes in quicker if I know immediately where to go.
Many thanks to all the people who have helped improve the solvers and strategies with their feedback!

Monday 8-Jul-2024

... by: Joel, USA

Hi! Great solver here but I recently started playing a slightly different version of Killer Sudoku where the number within each 3x3 square don’t have to add up to 45…only the rows do. For example, R1C1 and R2C3 could have the same # even if they are in that same top left grid. Would be great if there was a way to solve these types too.

Andrew Stuart writes:
That reminds me of KenKen but with the difference that all the operators are addition. That is a valid but unusual setup for KenKen but it doesn’t use the 3x3 boxes.

Sunday 7-Jul-2024

... by: Jan, Germany

In the solver, trying to edit candidates leads to an x/y NaN, which makes the solver unuseable. Chrome 126.0

Andrew Stuart writes:
Thanks! Should be fixed now

Friday 5-Jul-2024

... by: Ivydoom, Europe

Just found your solver. I absolutely appreciate the step-by-step solving so I can actually learn how to get better instead of simply looking op a solution. So just thanks!

Andrew Stuart writes:
Fantastic and thanks for the feedback!

Thursday 4-Jul-2024

... by: Tom, France

Is it my finger trouble, or have you stopped supplying strong link data on simple colouring checks?

Andrew Stuart writes:
Fixed now, refresh. Yes something I was fixing yesterday caused me to delete something I shouldn't have. There's a reason I don't work on nuclear reactor code ;)

Wednesday 3-Jul-2024

... by: Rex, Sedona, AZ

I was working on your December 2023 Puzzle Pack No. 19, got stuck, so put what I had into your Solver. The Solver proceeded normally then it got stuck (read "wait") and stayed that way. Is this one unsolvable? BTW, I enjoy your puzzles and Solver very much.



Andrew Stuart writes:
Just give it a moment and refresh. I'm trying to track down the source of crashes. I get an alert but very little information. I think it is to do with simultaneous users or just being too busy in that moment. But it self-recovers.

Sunday 30-Jun-2024

... by: dandy, USA

bug found

this sudoku puzzle seems to have stalled the algoithm:
5,U,8, 4,U,U, U,U,U,
1,U,U, U,U,U, 4,U,2,
6,8,5, 1,2,3, U,U,4,
7,U,U, U,U,U, U,6,1,
U,U,U, U,U,U, 8,U,5,
U,U,U, 8,7,1, 5,4,3,
U,5,U, 3,U,9, 6,U,U,
U,U,3, U,U,6, U,U,U

Andrew Stuart writes:
Missing a line. Try with [Email this board].

Friday 28-Jun-2024

... by: Mary, Canada

Hi Andrew,
I just noticed the "Check" button on the Str8ts puzzle - thank you so much!
Love your games - I'm a big fan,
Mary Clark

Andrew Stuart writes:
Excellent! Thanks

Monday 24-Jun-2024

... by: rkd12, United States

Yikes..... you are correct !! Control + F5 worked..... thank you !!

Sunday 23-Jun-2024

... by: Gary Lee Jones, usa

Printable version is still not working... seems to be all types..

Andrew Stuart writes:
I've checked again - wasn't working for Jigsaw and Killer. Fixed. Rest seem to be okay. If not for you [CRTL]+[F5] and let me know if not

Friday 21-Jun-2024

... by: Miss Moore Precise, EU

Printable version of the current board is not rendering correctly.

Andrew Stuart writes:
Fixed thank-you. Needed my hand guided there ;)
[CTRL]+[F5] on the print popup if not working first time
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Thank-you everyone for all your questions and contributions.