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Strategies for Popular Number Puzzles
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Feedback and Questions

I've received a lot of interesting comments and questions from Sudoku fans over the last few years and this page is where I try to answer them. I'm also directing Str8ts feedback here. Please feel free to drop me a note on the side of the page. Or you can email me directly at .

Post a Comment or Question here...
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Any Sudoku you want to publish here for easy loading into the solver - 81 characters, use '.' or '0' for unknowns.

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private - email comment/question directly to Andrew Stuart, don't display here

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If you are writing to alert me of a problem (thank-you!) please include a url to the page in question.
Can get fixes in quicker if I know immediately where to go.
Many thanks to all the people who have helped improve the solvers and strategies with their feedback!

Friday 21-Jun-2024

... by: rkd12, United States

Same issue reported by Phil from Ontario. Print1 & Print2 not displaying.
On another note... this is a great site !!

Andrew Stuart writes:
Awesome, thx

Friday 21-Jun-2024

... by: Phil, Ontario canada

Love you site
I do my daily each morning in the train as I go to work
5693 ..... Can't figure it .... I have done it over and over. At least 6 times
I always get the same result... 9 errors, and yet I can't see one error....
Keep up the site. I love it

Andrew Stuart writes:
Oh dear! Hope you get there in the end

Friday 21-Jun-2024

... by: bll, usa

Print not showing puzzle

Andrew Stuart writes:
Thank-you Mr Vague. Is Miss Moore Precise in the house?

Wednesday 19-Jun-2024

... by: Stan, United States

Jigsaw solver shows grid, but doesn't populate. Have tried it in multiple browsers and both Windows and Fedora Core Linux. No joy. Thanks for doing what you do.

Andrew Stuart writes:
I know I broke it in the last second - very last update my FTP uploaded a file with zero bytes. Then I went out as a man with a strimmer was right next door. Duh. Fixed now, have another go!
Thanks for your patience

Tuesday 18-Jun-2024

... by: Wolfgang, Germany

Good morning, Andrew,

playing str8ts for many years I was shortly irritated about the new look since round about 3-4 days from now. I´m playing with keyboard and using the NumPad with the right hand and TAB and SHIFT-TAB with the left hand for moving horizontally (vertically can be down with arrow up/down).
But since the new update the SHIFT-TAB is not working anymore: the focus runs out of the actual game to the website (one press on SHIFT-TAB leads to the "step-by-step-solver link" above the puzzle.
So now I have to use the mouse to move to the next left field - that is time consuming and not comfortable.
Can you please have a look if you can reimprove this again?
Thanks a lot and regards


Andrew Stuart writes:
Which player?
One on or the one on


Let me first check you've seen the "cog" icon and changed it to "keyboard input". Easy to miss when the default changes to the number pad


This was always number pad but I changed it to allow arrow and tab to move cells. Can you do that?

Sure we can sort it!

Saturday 15-Jun-2024

... by: ThePuzzlingOne, Nirvana

Hi Andrew,
Thanks for all your efforts spent.
Today, 15th June, the puzzles, str8ts, can’t be played. The first row is show at the bottom of the window. I tested two browsers. No difference.
Any idea what has changed.


Andrew Stuart writes:
Okay I've gone out and bought a second hand iPad. I can see the problem. After a lot of guessing (no mac to debug with) I found out Safari doesn't like 'aspect-ratio:1' and the css needs the height calculated. Ugh. Also fixed the squashed timer.

Saturday 15-Jun-2024

... by: Oli, Germany

Hey there,

for many years I'm a true fan of your site. The last update however, is not compatible with safari - what a pity. I hope you'll fix this soon?


Andrew Stuart writes:
Fixed now. See above

Thursday 13-Jun-2024

... by: aendi, Germany

thanks for many years of puzzle fun.
Would it be possible to add the same settings the daily str8ts has into the daily Sudoku as well? As someone mostly using the keyboard for solving, it is very difficult to control now with just the numpad on the side.

Andrew Stuart writes:
The same settings do exist. Use the new cog icon. However these settings don't travel across domains - so you need to set your settings on each site separately. Should work, email me if not

Thursday 13-Jun-2024

... by: astro3ron, Los Angeles, CA

The solution display page is displayed out of my monitor screen to the right of the main page and therefore not visible. It used to show as a separate tab on the browser web page. What happened to this option?

Andrew Stuart writes:
I thought I should check before replying because why not use the horizontal scroll bar. So I checked and turns out the type of DIV I was using didn’t trigger it – so yes it is inaccessible if your screen is too narrow. Bit of an oversight. Refresh [CRTL]+[F5] and tell me if you can at least see the new blue button. If so, this will move it over to the left. If not will have to use an @media and put it there.

Thursday 13-Jun-2024

... by: Douglas, America

Not a bug but a question:
Do you ever plan on adding custom/arbitrary box shapes to the jigsaw sudoku solver, similar to the amount of flexibility of the killer sudoku solver?

Andrew Stuart writes:
Yes I do. It has been creeping up my job queue forever but I think I'm ready to tackle it now. Watch this space!
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Thank-you everyone for all your questions and contributions.