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Sudoku Wiki App Support

Thanks for purchasing the Sudoku Wiki App

Our SudokuWiki Solver App for the iPhone/iPod touch is now four years old. Some users on the latest iOS versions are reporting that Apple is reporting that the App is giving the message "The developer of this app must update this app in order to improve the compatibility". I would love to do that but unfortunately I don't possess the source project files (other than the Core Sudoku Engine). Although I have tinkered with some Apps in iOS this platform is not really in my skill-set. I am much more comfortable with Android and continue to main that App.

If there is a developer out there who would be interested in redeveloping this project either for a fixed fee or a share of the sales, then please contact me. I'd want to base the new version on the Android for which full source can be provided. Contact me on

All feedback is appreciated. You can contact us directly - or use the Feedback Form. If you have any problems or suggestions about the app, we'd like to know.

Version 1.3 - released!
  • Friday 10th August. We've fixed the issue with Favourites crashing the app when used.

Version 1.2 - released!
  • Friday 28th July. We have added an automatic download of the four Daily Sudoku puzzles (one of each grade) plus the Sunday Extreme Sudoku AND the weekly Unsolvable. These will be stored in the list of available puzzles for easy loading. This website allows you to play one of the four Daily Sudoku - the other three are available through syndication and on the 5 Daily Puzzles app.

Version 1.1 - released
  • Tuesday 8th May. On "New Puzzle" there is an option to import a puzzle that has been 'copied' into the copy/paste buffer. Previously you were required to selecte exactly an 81 character string with the puzzle definition. In this update we've expanded this feature to parse the whole copy/paste buffer (as long as its not metabytes). This means you can select a whole block and not worry about picking the exact definition. An example would be the "Email this Board" button on the website solver which creates a link with the sudoku in it.

Article created on 22-April-2012. Views: 10232
This page was last modified on 21-October-2012.
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Copyright Andrew Stuart @ Syndicated Puzzles, Privacy, 2007-2025